As we come out of the Covid-19 pandemic and the economy slowly begins its road back to normality, businesses are tasked with hiring the best talent to reinforce their teams. Having endured more than a year of uncertainty, now may be the ideal time that candidates feel they can look to progress their careers.
While some companies have been in the fortunate position to continue to hire new members of staff throughout the pandemic, many have not – or have simply chosen to wait until the future is a little bit more certain.
The climate has changed and now more than ever, candidates want to feel that an opportunity suits them both professionally and personally. As well as employers vetting candidates, candidates are vetting employers, ensuring that their values match. Company culture is every bit as important to the candidate as the job role and salary is.
Working with a technical recruitment agency that casts your business and job role to appeal to your desired quality of candidate will put you ahead of the competition, ensuring that the best technicians want to come and work for you.
Create a Candidate Profile
One of the best ways to improve your recruitment strategy is by developing ideal candidate profiles. This will enable you to more easily define the type of candidates you’re looking for. In short, the candidate profile helps guide you through the recruitment process as you’ll always have detailed information to refer back to. With a solid plan for the type of person you’re searching for, you can craft much more effective job descriptions that can lead to better candidates applying. An ideal candidate profile makes your recruitment much more targeted, which in turn, can speed up the hiring process and enable you to connect more easily with the top technical candidates.
Streamline Your Recruitment Process
Lengthy hiring processes, as well as a convoluted application system, contribute to candidate disengagement and potentially lead to the loss of talent.
You can avoid this and streamline your recruitment process by conducting phone interviews to screen potential candidates and cut down on, or combine, rounds of interviews. Keep your candidates engaged even during notice periods by updating them on any decisions you make and respond to any of their queries to demonstrate your investment in them.
Your company must also be willing to offer a compensation package that matches their value. Simply, if you are not willing to meet the going rate for someone who ticks all of the boxes you are looking for then another employer will.
Apprenticeships and Graduates
The pandemic has had a torrid effect on young people, especially those either just leaving education or in their final year. Opportunities have been few and far between, especially when looking to land a career job from which they can begin to climb the corporate ladder in their chosen field.
Recruiting for an apprentice technician can help your business to hire young talent that is more likely to remain loyal to the company. As an apprenticeship may represent their first foray into the working world, there will be fewer bad habits to drum out of them which means they can be moulded to suit the needs of the business.
Hiring for potential, not for experience, is the key to recruiting the best talent possible, especially as the economy recovers from Covid-19 and the effects of the restrictions that have limited businesses for much of the past 18 months. Expanding the potential talent pool does not necessarily mean lowering the quality, but rather it opens the door to more candidates who have a lot to offer.
Contact BMS Performance for More Information
For more information on how working with BMS Performance can improve your chances of hiring the best technical talent for your business, please get in contact with a member of our team today.