Supporting working mothers to balance their professional and personal lives is an important issue. Did you know that over 70% of women with children under 5 are working? Many of them face challenges juggling work and childcare, especially single mothers who bear the sole responsibility for their children’s care. Recent research shows that two-fifths of working mothers in the UK have turned down job promotions because of childcare pressures, and 85% struggle to find jobs that fit their childcare needs.

The number of women, especially mothers joining the workforce has been increasing. For example, about 1.8 million women in the UK don’t work because they have caring responsibilities. Mothers often face obstacles that hold back their careers and affect their job satisfaction. Balancing childcare, career progression and maintaining a healthy work-life balance are just a few of the challenges that working mothers often struggle with.

To address these challenges and support working mothers effectively, organisations can implement a range of strategies:

Flexible Working

Offering flexible working hours, remote work options and job-sharing opportunities can provide working mothers with the flexibility they need to manage both their professional responsibilities and personal commitments. The top 10 family-friendly benefits for working parents and caregivers in 2023 include flexible and remote work arrangements, paid parental leave and childcare benefits. Companies that have embraced flexible work policies have seen improvements in employee morale, engagement and retention rates.

Family-Friendly Benefits

Family-friendly benefits such as parental leave and childcare assistance ease the burden on working mothers, enhancing employee satisfaction and productivity. Offering subsidised childcare, especially to working mothers, demonstrates a commitment to supporting caregivers and promoting a happier, more productive workforce. Patagonia stands out with a remarkable 95% retention rate among mothers, because of its comprehensive benefits and support programs.

Mentorship and Career Development

Establishing mentorship programmes and career development opportunities tailored to working mothers can help them navigate their career paths effectively and ensure they are considered for promotions. Organisations that prioritise leadership development for women, including working mothers, not only create a more diverse and inclusive workforce but also benefit from the unique perspectives and skills these individuals bring to the table.

Supportive Work Culture

Creating a supportive and inclusive work culture that values work-life balance is essential in creating a conducive environment for working mothers to thrive. Initiatives such as employee resource groups for working parents and mindfulness programmes can promote a sense of community and well-being amongst employees, ultimately enhancing overall job satisfaction and retention rates.

Reintegrating back into the Workforce

Managers and companies are key to mothers’ career progression post-maternity leave. They can offer phased return-to-work plans, flexible schedules, and skill development opportunities. Addressing these needs helps maintain career momentum and develops a supportive work environment for all.

We asked BMS Mothers….

We reached out to mothers within BMS to hear directly from them about what matters most when it comes to balancing motherhood and work. Here’s what they had to say:

Supporting working mothers’ benefits individuals and organisations. Implementing supportive policies helps retain staff, reduces turnover costs and helps working mothers feel valued and supported. Companies prioritising diversity, inclusion and work-life balance for working mothers attract top talent, enhancing their reputation and gaining a competitive edge. This positive employer image can lead to better recruitment success and a competitive advantage.

We can help!

Ready to create a more supportive environment for working mothers in your organisation? Get in touch today to explore tailored solutions and strategies that prioritise inclusivity and employee well-being.