In order to get the best out of your new sales recruit, you need to implement a variety of employee onboarding tips. Being new to a company is a very daunting experience, meaning you need to make your new recruit as comfortable as possible to get the best out of them. Detailed below are multiple measures that you can put in place to set your new recruit up for success.

Mention their first day to the team.

You should always mention a new starter’s first day to the wider team. This way, everyone will be on form to welcome the new recruit and assist them where possible. As a result, your new employee will feel welcomed and be more comfortable about asking for help when needed. This will alleviate a lot of the anxiety that’s often felt on the first day of a new job.

Follow up with them beforehand.

Following up with a new recruit ahead of their first day is essential. This provides you with the opportunity to tell them everything they need to know (e.g., uniform requirements, parking situations, etc.) Meanwhile, it also gives them an opportunity to ask you any questions. From this, they’ll feel more prepared and, consequently, more comfortable.

Give them clear instructions.

Clarity is the key to setting employees up for success, and this is achieved by providing them with straightforward instructions. If they’re clear on what you want from them, this equips them to meet and exceed your expectations. Without this clear guidance, they won’t even know what it is they’re aiming for.

Introduce them to the team before they start.

A new employee’s first day is overwhelming as it is, and throwing a whole new batch of people into the mix can result in it all being too much. Therefore, you can split the entire onboarding process into smaller and more manageable chunks by introducing them to the team ahead of their first day. This is an effective way of making everything a bit more manageable.

Make sure someone is there to meet them on their first day.

There’s nothing worse than showing up to a corporate building and having no idea where you’re supposed to be. You can remove this confusion by having someone meet the new employee on their first day to take them where they need to be.

Have an induction process in place.

The importance of an induction process can’t be underestimated. An induction provides a new recruit with a structured learning experience where questions are welcomed and mistakes are accepted. This is an essential step in setting your new employee up for success, as they’re given a thorough insight into processes and procedures.

Have all the equipment ready for the role.

If your new recruit sees that you’re prepared and collected, they will feed off this energy. In contrast, if you seem to be scrambling about trying to get everything ready while they’re there, they will mirror this same energy. Walking into a structured environment will make the whole experience much less overwhelming.

Always have a plan B.

Unfortunately, things don’t always work out, which is why you should always have a plan B. Whether that means adjusting your onboarding process to suit the needs of the new recruit or even reassessing your hiring decision. Not everyone will be the ideal fit for your business, so you should always have another candidate in mind if the new employee doesn’t work out.

Are you on the hunt for your next sales recruit? We can help. Upload your vacancy today.